About us

In the heart of Salem, USA, where shadows intertwine with history, Mary, the passionate founder of LIKEGOTH, discovered a profound love for Gothic culture. Growing up amidst the echoes of witch trials and the mystique of the arcane, Mary's fascination with the darker aspects of life flourished.


As the guardian of LIKEGOTH, Mary's journey into the Gothic culture wasn't just a business venture—it was a deeply personal odyssey. LIKEGOTH became the embodiment of her unwavering commitment to preserving and perpetuating the Gothic way of life. More than a brand, LIKEGOTH stood as a testament to Mary's deep-rooted affection for the timeless aesthetic and enchanting legacy of Gothic culture.

The LIKEGOTH collection, inspired by Mary's love for tradition and innovation, served as an ode to the past and a bridge to the future. Each garment not only bore the mark of Gothic subculture but also echoed Mary's passion for storytelling.

What set LIKEGOTH apart was Mary's fervent belief in co-creation. Much like her own journey into Gothic culture, she invited individuals to be active participants in crafting their narratives through customized Gothic attire. For Mary, this wasn't just about fashion; it was about empowering others to express their unique identities, just as she had done in her own life.

Under Mary's guidance, LIKEGOTH wasn't merely a brand; it was an invitation to join a community of kindred spirits. Those who shared Mary's love for the dark, the mysterious, and the unconventional found a haven in LIKEGOTH. The brand became a canvas where individuality reigned supreme, a reflection of Mary's unbridled passion for Gothic culture.

As Mary strolled through the shadowed streets of Salem, she carried not just the history of the town but also her ardent love for Gothic culture—a love that permeated every thread of LIKEGOTH. The brand, under Mary's watchful eye, became more than clothing; it was a manifestation of her dedication to the beauty in the macabre and the enduring power of self-expression in the shadows. In LIKEGOTH, Mary found a way to share her love for Gothic culture with the world, creating a legacy that echoed her deep-seated passion.